7 Ways To Say No Problem In French If You Want To Be Friendly


Knowing how to say No problem in French always comes in handy.

As a French coach, I think it’s an easy way to be friendly and nice to people.

In this article, you’ll learn the different ways to say No problem in French and how to use them.

Let’s get started!

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When you want to keep it simple: Pas de problème

This is the most common way to say No problem in French.

Pas de problème is somewhat informal. 

If you want to make it more formal, you can go with Il n’y a pas de problème instead.

Here are some examples to help you:

  • Merci de m’avoir attendu. (Thanks for waiting for me.)
  • Pas de problème. (No problem.)
  • Est-ce que tu peux m’aider ? (Can you help me?)
  • Pas de problème. (No problem.)

You can also use Pas de problème in a sentence, not just on it’s own.

  • Je n’ai pas de problème pour me lever le matin. (I have no problem getting up in the morning.)
  • Ça ne me pose pas de problème. (It’s no problem for me.)

Alternatively, you can say Aucun problème and use it in the exact same way.

When you want to be more casual: Pas de souci

This is another common way to say No problem in French.

It’s a little more informal than Pas de problème and it’s similar to “No worries” in English.

  • Tu pourrais m’emmener à l’aéroport ? (Could you take me to the airport?)
  • Pas de souci. (No problem/No worries.)

You can also use it in a sentence.

  • Je n’ai pas de souci avec ça. (I have no problem with that.)
  • Tu n’auras pas de souci à trouver une maison. (You’ll have no problem finding a house.)

When you want to agree with someone: Ça marche

When someone says something to you and you agree with them, you can respond with Ça marche.

In this context, the verb marcher doesn’t mean “to walk” (which is probably the first definition you learned for marcher.)

Marcher is an informal way of saying “to work”. For example, Mon téléphone ne marche pas (My phone doesn’t work).

Therefore, Ça marche translates as “That works”, meaning it’s not a problem.

  • On mange dehors ce soir ? (Do you want to eat out tonight?)
  • Ça marche. (No problem/That works)
  • On part dans 3 heures. (We leave in 3 hours.)
  • Ça marche. (No problem/That works)

If you want to be even more informal, you can also say Ça roule. 

  • Tu passes me chercher demain ? (You’re coming to pick me up tomorrow?)
  • Ça roule. (That works)

When you want to reassure someone: Ce n’est pas grave

The literal translation of this expression is “It’s not serious”.

It’s used to express the idea that something is not a big deal, it’s not a problem.

  • Je dois passer un appel urgent mais j’ai oublié mon téléphone. (I need to make an urgent call but I forgot my phone.)
  • Ce n’est pas grave, tu peux utiliser mon téléphone à la place. (No problem, you can use my phone instead.)

Ce n’est pas grave is appropriate in any situation, formal or informal.

If you really want to be informal, you can go with C’est pas grave. Or Pas grave to be even more casual.

When you want to be super chill: À l’aise

This slang way of saying No problem in French is popular among teenagers.

It’s literal translation is “comfortable”.

In English, it’s the equivalent of “No probs” or “No sweat”.

  • Tu as réussi ton examen ? (Did you pass your exam?)
  • Ouais, à l’aise ! (Yeah, no probs!)

When you want to be more idiomatic: Y’a pas de lézard

This funny informal expression literally means “There is no lizard?”.

But what’s that got to do with No problem in French?

Lizard here doesn’t refer to the animal, it comes from the music industry. 

During music recordings, un lézard referred to a hissing unpleasant sound. If there was no such sound in the recording, people would say Y’a pas de lézard, meaning the audio didn’t have any problem.

Nowadays, the expression is used to say “There is no problem” in various situations.

It’s usually used on it’s own, but you can put in full sentences too.

  • Je veux être sûr qu’il n’y a pas de lézard. (I want to make sure there’s no problem.)
  • Y’a pas de lézard entre moi et mes parents. (There’s no problem between me and my parents.)

When you want to say You’re welcome: Il n’y a pas de quoi

When someone thanks you for something, you can answer with Il n’y a pas de quoi.

This is an informal way of saying No problem in French, as in “You’re welcome”. So you can use it only in response to Merci.

  • Merci d’avoir réparé ma voiture. (Thank you for fixing my car.)
  • Il n’y a pas de quoi. (No problem/You’re welcome)

You can also go with the even more informal versions Y’a pas de quoi or Pas de quoi.

To expand your vocabulary, check out how to say You’re welcome in French.

The bottom line

Now you know exactly how to say No problem in French.

If you need to remember only one, go with the basic Pas de problème which will cover most situations.

What is your favorite way to say No problem in French? Share it in the comments section below!

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